


Fortran Compiler

Currently SCONE requires gfortran (>=6.3). Support for other compilers is pending.


CMake cross-platform build system is used to run all configuration scripts. Version (>=3.10) is required.

LAPACK and BLAS Libraries

For the moment, SCONE requires LAPACK and BLAS linear algebra libraries. However, they are not used extensively in the code and this dependency will become optional or will be removed.

GNU/Linux operating system

In principle any UNIX-like operating system should support SCONE. However people have experienced some significant run-time bugs when running on MacOS. Since we do not have an access to a Mackintosh we were not able to identify the problem yet.


pFUnit 3 test framework and Python interpreter

Both the unit and the integration tests in SCONE use pFUnit framework. To run it requires a python interpreter. Not that we use version 3.0 despite, newer 4.0 being available. This is to retain support for gfortran in versions older then 8.3 (required by pFUnit 4.0).

Getting gfortran

To verify that you have gfortran available by typing:

gfortran --version

If you do not or its version is too old you will need to get it. If you have root access to your machine you can your package manager to install gfortran. On Debian/Ubuntu Linux a command like that will suffice:

sudo apt-get install gfortran

On other operating systems it might different. You will need to find information on how to use package manager in your Linux distribution. Pre-compiled gfortran packages can be found here

Without administrator privileges you may want to compile GCC from source. Of course that requires having a C compiler.

  1. Download the source code of GCC from one of the mirrors

  2. Extract the archive and use a provided script to download all prerequisites:

    tar -xf gcc-9.1.0.tar.gz
    cd gcc-9.1.0
  3. Now configure the compilation. The command below is crude. We only set a prefix where gcc will be installed after successful compilation and select languages (frontends) we want to include. Documentation of the configure script is available

    ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran
  4. Providing that the configuration was successful, you can now start compiling GCC. It is a large code base and the process can take as much as few hours. To speed it up you can use parallel compilation with make -j 8 assuming that you have 8 processors available. You can use nproc in console to check how many are available. When ready type:

    make -j8
    make install
  5. Once your finished now you need to modify some of your environmental variables to allow OS to find the executables and relevant libraries. In your .bashrc` add the following lines (depending on your install directory):

    export export PATH=/path/to/install/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/install/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Getting CMake

If you have root access to your machine use package manager to obtain the latest version of CMake. If you don’t you can follow the instructions.

  1. Download the installation shell script for Linux from the website e.g.

  2. Then you can install CMake by typing and following the instructions:

    bash ./
  3. Add the CMake to you PATH in .bashrc:

    export PATH=/cmake/install/folder/bin:$PATH

Installing pFUnit

This is only required if the unit tests are to be build.

  1. Make sure python can be invoked by a command python by typing:

    python --version
  2. Create a folder for the local installation of pFUnit e.g. in your home directory and download the pFUnit repository and enter the source code folder:

    mkdir pFUnit
    cd pFUnit
    git clone git:// pfunit-code
    cd pfunit-code
  3. Export environmental variables required by pFUnit:

    export F90=gfortran
    export F90_VENDOR=GNU
  4. Build and test pFUnit by typing:

    make tests
  5. Install pFUnit in any directory you have access to e.g.

    make install INSTALL_DIR=~/pFUnit


If you have root access it is best to install these with your package manager. Follow the instructions only if you want to compile LAPACK and BLAS from source

  1. Download a version of LAPACK from official website.

  2. In some directory on your filesystem extract the archive.

  3. Configure compilation with cmake by typing:

    mkdir Build
    cd Build
    cmake ./..
  4. If you don’t have a root access on your machine or you want to install LAPACK to a custom directory, use ccmake to change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. In Build directory type:

    ccmake ./..
    <Navigate to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and change it to your folder>
    Press [c] to configure
    Press [g] to generate and exit
  5. Now compile LAPACK and install by typing:

    make install

Compiling SCONE

  1. If you want to install with tests set PFUNIT_INSTALL environmental variable to directory in which pFUnit was installed. It may be worth adding the line to your .bashrc

    export PFUNIT_INSTALL=~/pFUnit
  2. If your LAPACK installation is not in default system directories use LAPACK_INSTALL enviromental variable to help CMAKE find the library. e.g.

  3. Download the repository. Run the following commands:

    git clone
  4. Create build folder in the project directory (e.g. Build):

    cd ./scone
    mkdir Build
  5. Generate makefile with CMake and compile:

    cmake -E chdir ./Build cmake ./..
    make -C Build
  6. To switch off compilation of tests use the following commands:

    cmake -E chdir ./Build cmake ./.. -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF
    make -C Build
  7. Note that you can use ccmake utility to modify avalible options and regenerate your make file just type the following into your terminal and follow the instructions:

    ccmake ./Build

CMake options


Enable link-time optimisation. It allows the compiler to perform extra optimisations between different compilation units (modules in Fortran). It is crucial for performance in SCONE, since it enables inlining of small type-bound procedures. Set to ON by default. To disable:

cmake .. -DLTO=OFF

Collect code coverage information. If ON it allows to use lcov and genhtml to create an HTML coverage report. It is OFF by default. Enable with:


Build unit and integration tests. It is ON by default. If enabled, the pFUnit must be installed and PFUNIT_INSTALL set. To disable tests:


Enable extra run-time checks available in the compiler. It is OFF by default. To enable:

cmake -DDEBUG=ON

Run Tests to Verify

If you compiled SCONE with tests enabled (you should by the way) you can now verify that it works correctly by running the automated test suites. You must execute the following commands from scone directory. Some integration tests use files in IntegrationTestFiles and have hard-coded relative paths. Integration tests may fail if they are run from other directory. Run:


This assume that Build is the build directory. If the tests were successful that is great. If some of them failed it is troubling. Please open an Issue in the online repository so we can try to resolve what is the problem. Provide at least the following information:

  1. Compiler Used (with version)

  2. Operating System

Unfortunately we do not have access to Intel Fortran compiler so we cannot test SCONE with it. We are planning to add support for Flang soon.

Obtaining Nuclear Data

SCONE requires ACE-formatted nuclear data. The JEFF-3.3 evaluation can be download from the OACD NEA website. In addition SCONE requires its own library file. An example of it is given in IntegrationTestFiles/testLib. Its format is:

! This is a comment line
! Each line needs to contain three entries
! ZAID   Line Number   PATH
92233.03c;  1;       <absolute_path>/9233JEF33.ace;
1001.03c;   4069;    <absolute_path>/1001JEF33.ace;

Line Number is the line in the file at which a particular data card begins. Each line cannot contain more then a single entry. Each component must be delimited by a semi-colon.

To generate the library file from the collection of raw ACE files one can use the scripts/ bash script. It can be run with the following command:

./scripts/ /path/lib.xsfile CE ./path_to_ace_files/*.ace

To get extra help run the script without any arguments. The CE letters allow to select between searching for continuous energy neutron data cards and thermal scattering S(α,β) cards (SAB mode). Sadly the script can search only for a single type of card in one pass. Thus to create a full library with thermal data we need to do the following:

./scripts/ ./tempCE CE ./path_to_CE_ace_files/*.ace
./scripts/ ./tempSAB SAB ./path_to_SAB_ace_files/*.ace
cat tempCE tempSAB > fullLib.xsfile