Style Guide

Please note that this style guide is new and a lot of code was written without it. As such it is likely that some portions of the code do not conform to following rules. If found, post their location in the Doc Gaps Issue, but feel free to correct them yourself.

Rules on files

  1. Each source file must contain only a single module or program. All procedures (subroutines & functions) must be contained within modules. No old FORTRAN style separate files for procedures are allowed.

  2. All source files should be free from and have a .f90 of .F90 extension. Note that the capital letter is a convention that tells the compiler to use a preprocessor on the given file.

  3. It is preferable to have a single public class per module. It is not a strict rule and sometimes it is necessary to group number of classes together to avoid circular module dependencies. However, such cases should be avoided and clearly marked in module description. Also name of the module should correspond to name of the class. E.g. module myType_class must contain type myType.

  4. All files containing programs, should be placed into “Apps” folder of the source directory. No programs outside “Apps” folder are allowed.

  5. Module file name must have exactly the same name as the module it contains.

  6. Content of a module file must be clearly identified by its suffix

    • _func contains a library of functions. (genericProcedures.f90 breaks it for now)

    • _inter contains and abstract class (abstract interface).

    • _class contains a class.

    • _mod indicates a class-like (object-like) module. It is effectively an implementation of a Singleton design pattern. The module contains some data and access function to manipulate it. Its state can change during execution.

    • Module with no suffix contains only global parameters (constants)

Rules on code

  1. Every source file needs to use implicit none. No implicit typing is allowed. If you don’t know what implicit typing is, don’t think about it. Just make sure that implicit none is present at the beginning of a module or program e.g.

    module properModule_func
      implicit none
      ! The above switches off implicit typing in the whole module
      ! including module procedures.
      public :: printHello
      !! Prints greating from Fortran.
      subroutine printHello()
        ! No "implicit none" is needed here.
        print *, "Hello, I am Fortran. I am a good programing language!"
      end subroutine printHello
    end module properModule_func
  2. Keep variable, classes and procedure names descriptive. Try to keep them short. In general use lowerCamelCase, but break this rule for short variables like N for an integer or V for velocity or any other physical variable with obvious meaning.

  3. Always include numPrecision module in a source file and use parametrisation of the variables e.g.

    program myProg
      use numPrecision
      implicit none
      integer(shortInt)  :: i           ! standard integer
      integer(longInt)   :: score       ! integer where large values are expected
      real(defReal)      :: float       ! Every real number
      logical(defBool)   :: isHappy     ! Every logical variable
      character(nameLen) :: neutronName ! Use for names of of objects, short strings
      character(pathLen) :: filePath    ! Use to store paths to file
    end program myProg
  4. Always explicitly import variables, types and functions from modules, unless module has now suffix and contains only global parameters.

    program prog
      use numPrecision
      use endfConstants
      use dictionary_class,  only : dictionary
      use nuclearData_inter, only : nuclearData
    end program prog
  5. If you need to import a lot of modules group the use statements in some logically ordered blocks with some associated comment. Try to make reading of imported modules easy

    program prog
      use numPrecision
      use endfConstants
      use dictionary_class,   only : dictionary
      use nuclearData_inter,  only : nuclearData
      ! Import factories
      use myInterface_func,   only : new_myInterface
      use yourInterface_func, only : new_yourInterface
    end program prog
  6. Every procedure definition needs to specify intent for its dummy variables. Type of the function is to be defined in its variable declarations. Dummy arguments must be defined in order of their appearance in argument list. Result type should be declared immediately after dummy arguments. Local variables are to be defined next. If procedure can return errors it should have a character parameter Here, which contains name of the function and file in which it is defined.

    pure recursive function factorial(n) result(fact)
      integer(shortInt), intent(in) :: n    ! Value n connot be modified (attempt will produce compiler error)
      integer(shortInt)             :: fact ! Define type of function result
      integer(shortInt)             :: temp ! Define local variable
      character(100), parameter :: Here ='factorial (math_func.F90)' ! Location information for error reporting
    end function factorial
  7. When using numeric constants include correct parametrisation.

    real(defReal) :: x
    x = 9.76_defReal - OK
    x = 9.76_8       - WRONG
    x = 9.76         - WRONG
  8. Note that numPrecision contains useful numeric parameters.

    real(defReal) :: x
    x = ONE
    x = TWO
    x = PI * TWO_PI
  9. Use parameters in favour of numeric constants. They improve readability. Parameters should be in CAPITAL_LETTERS

    integer(shortInt), parameter :: X_AXIS = 1
    if(axis == X_AXIS) then    - OK
    if(axis == 1) then         - WRONG

Whitespaces and Indentation

  1. Use no tabs. Only spaces. 2 Spaces per indentation level. It may be useful to configure your editor to insert 2 Spaces on Tab press.

  2. We follow the rule that source code should not extend beyond the column 100.

  3. When accessing components of derived types put space between % e.g.

    a = myType % type2 % func()  - OK
    a = myType%type2%func()      - WRONG
  4. In procedure calls add a single space between arguments e.g.

    call mySubroutine(x, y(4), z)    - OK
    call mySubroutine( x, y( 2 ), z) - WRONG
    call mySubroutine(x,y(2),z)      - WRONG
  5. It is useful to put whitespace around logical operators:

    if (x /= 2) then - OK
    if (x/=2) then   - WRONG

Comments and documentation

  1. Every type or procedure needs to contain comment above itself marked with !! and with the description of the procedure or the type.

  2. Follow the following pattern for the procedure description

    !! Brief description of what myFunc does
    !! Detailed Description of what myFunc does
    !! Args:
    !!   A [intent] -> explanation of the argument
    !!   B [intent] -> explanation of the argument may be long so
    !!     it is necessary to move it the the next line sometimes
    !! Result:
    !!   Describe what the result of the procedure is.
    !! Errors:
    !!   Describe how does the procedure behaves for invalid arguments as well
    !!   as under what conditions it fails. Describe only errors from execution
    !!   of this function. DO NOT include errors that may appear in procedures
    !!   called by the function.
    !! NOTE: Any important information you want to highlight
    function myFunc(A,B) result(C)
      Procedure Definition
    end function
  3. Note that when giving errors information, errors from procedures called by the procedure we document should not in general be included in the Errors: section. This is because these sub-procedures may change and any changes to their error behaviour would (most likely) not be propagated to the documentation of all procedures that use them, rendering their description invalid. However it would be best to use common sense and indicate when a procedure is depending on errors given by the other procedure. Just try to make Errors: section informative. Use your best judgement. Usually this section is the most useful part of documentation so help you fellow users and your future self.

  4. Try to follow the following pattern for the derived type(class) description. Use the same format for the class-like modules (with _mod suffix)

    !! Brief description of the type
    !! Detailed description of the type
    !! Public Members:
    !!   A -> Brief description of members. May be missing if there are none
    !! Private Members:
    !!   B -> Brief Description of members. May be missing if there are none
    !! Interface:
    !!   method1 -> Brief Description of class methods. Very short. Details should
    !!     be contained within comment above procedure definition.
    type myType
      Type Definition
    end type
  5. If type you are writing can be build using a dictionary (usually from user input), include additional section with a sample input dictionary. Refer to dictionary input syntax Dictionary Input

    !! Brief description of the type
    !! Detailed description of the type
    !! Public Members:
    !!   A -> Brief description of members. May be missing if there are none
    !! Private Members:
    !!   B -> Brief Description of members. May be missing if there are none
    !! Interface:
    !!   method1 -> Brief Description of class methods. Very short. Details should
    !!     be contained within comment above procedure definition.
    !! Sample Dictionary Input:
    !!   genericName {
    !!     this isMandatoryEntry;
    !!     canAlsoBeNumber 1;
    !!     orList (1 2 3 4 5);
    !!     # Hashes MarkOptionalEntries; #
    !!     # subDict { <name of type that will be build with this subdictionary>} #
    !!   }
    type myType
      Type Definition
    end type
  6. Try to have a look at the code you wrote and just try to make it look pretty. Try to go back to your code after a break and try to spot places that seem unclear or confusing and improve them.

  7. Comment your Code! Provide explanations for what given sections are doing, explain parts of the algorithms that may be confusing. To see what I mean you can have a look at the following code sample. I would argue it is easier to understand with comments then without them:

    function sampleLegendre_P1(P1,rand) result(x)
      real(defReal), intent(in)    :: P1
      class(RNG), intent(inout)    :: rand
      real(defReal)                :: x
      real(defReal)                :: P1_loc
      real(defReal)                :: threshold
      integer(shortInt)            :: Low, Top, exec
      integer(shortInt), parameter :: UNIFORM = 1, LIN = 2, DELTA = 3
      character(100), parameter :: Here = 'sampleLegendre_P1 ( legendrePoly_func.f90)'
      ! Make local copy of P1 coeff. Take abs() to simplify code
      ! -ve P1 will be inverted at the end.
      P1_loc = abs(P1)
      ! Depending on whether P1 > 1 determine treshold and associated PDF for the mixing method
      ! For further details refer to Lux and Koblinger APPENDIX 3D
      ! If random number < threshold then Top is used.
      if ( P1_loc < ONE) then
        threshold = P1_loc
        Top = LIN
        Low = UNIFORM
      else if( P1_loc <= 3.0_defReal) then
        threshold = 0.5 * (P1_loc - ONE)
        Top = DELTA
        Low = LIN
        call fatalError(Here,'P1 must have absolute value < 3.0')
        ! Avoid warnings
        threshold = ONE
        Top = 0
        Low = 0
      end if
      ! Use mixing method with the calculated Threshold
      if ( rand % get() < threshold ) then
        exec = Top
        exec = Low
      end if
      ! Sample from UNIFORM ( PDF = 0.5); LIN ( PDF = 0.5 + 0.5 *mu) or DELTA ( PDF = DELTA(mu-1))
      select case(exec)
        case (UNIFORM)
          x = TWO * rand % get() - ONE
        case (LIN)
          ! Need to solve CDF(x) = 0.25 * x^2 + 0.5 * x + 0.25 = (0.5*x+0.5)^2)
          x = TWO * sqrt(rand % get()) - ONE
        case (DELTA)
          x = ONE
        case default
          call fatalError(Here,'This should never happen. WTF?')
          x = ZERO
      end select
      ! Invert result if P1 is -ve
      if ( P1 < ZERO ) x = -x
    end function sampleLegendre_P1