Output Files


In SCONE, the output facility for the calculation results is implemented through an outputFile class that consists of the two main components. The first is the outputClass itself which checks the sequence of output calls for consistency. The other is the printer (asciiOutput_inter), which translates the output to a usable format. This division was done in order to enable writing output into multiple formats through a common interface.

The structure of an output file is hierarchical. Its main component is the block, which is similar to a dictionary. Each block is composed from a number of entries. Each is a pair of a name together with some content. The content may be a result, value, N-D array of results or N-D array of values. Value can be a real, integer or character string. Each result is a pair of reals that represent a mean value of an estimate and its associated statistical uncertainty. The initial block of output is called a root block and is not associated with any name in the output file.


Relative vs Absolute standard deviation

By convention, in SCONE, the uncertainty of statistical estimates in output files should be given as absolute values (e.g. 4 +/- 2 not 4 +/- 50%). As with any convention, it may be broken in exceptional circumstances, which must be clearly stated in the documentation of a relevant tallyClerk.

Repeated Entry Names

Names of each entry in a block must be unique. However, if a repeated name is present, only a warning is raised. Thus, an accidental name repetition will not kill the calculation with a fatal error (which would loose all results) and an output file will be produced. Although, it may parsed incorrectly by MATLAB, Python or other post-processing tool.

Writing to an output file in SCONE is done through a series of calls to appropriate procedures e.g.:

character(nameLen) :: name
type(outputFile)   :: out

!! Initialise output by choosing the format and output file
!! If no file name is provided, the output will not be printed
call out % init('asciiMatlab', filename="./path/to/output/without_any_extension")

!! Write an integer of 7
name = 'int'
call out % printValue(7, name)

!! Long integers are fine
name = 'large_int'
call out % printValue(4294967296, name)

!! We can open a nested block
name = 'subBlock'
call out % startBlock(name)

!! And start an array
name = 'myArray'
call out % startArray(name, [3,2])

!! The type of the array is determined by the first value provided
!! Array is filled in column major order i.e.:
!! 1st call -> index (1,1)
!! 2nd call -> index(2,1)
!! ...
call out % addResult(7.8_defReal, 0.3_defReal)
call out % addResult(7.8_defReal, 0.1_defReal)
call out % addResult(7.8_defReal, 0.3_defReal)

!! We can provide multiple numbers as an array for convenience
call out % addResult([1.1_defReal, 1.2_defReal, 3.3_defReal], &
                     [0.1_defReal, 0.2_defReal, 0.3_defReal])

!! We need to explicitly close array after all elements
call out % endArray()

!! Same goes for blocks
call out % endBlock()

!! We need to make sure that output file is properly finalised. We can skip
!! this line if we are not in a `program` block e.g. in `subroutine` or `function`
call out % finalise()

The need to write name to a character(nameLen) variable before calling the procedure is a quirk caused by the fact that the output file expects character of nameLen as a variable. If one were to call the procedure with a shorter string literal (e.g. “subBlock”) the missing characters would be filled by a random memory content instead of blanks. This issue could be fixed by accepting the deferred length character as an argument character(*), which should be done in near future.

Error Checking

Note that the outputFile checks the correctness of a calls. So, for example, closing a block before closing an array will produce a fatal error. The same will happen if type of entries in an array changes between add calls.

name = 'block'
call out % startBlock(name)
name = 'array'
call out % startArray(name [2,3])

!! Fatal error here
call out % endBlock()


name = 'array'
call out % startArray(name [5,3])
call out % addValue(8.8_defReal)

!! Fatal error here as well
call out % addValue(7)

Other incorrect sequences of calls are also captured. Please refer to in-source documentation of the outputFile_class for further details.

However, in many circumstances (e.g. unit tests) we may want to suppress the fatal error in case of an incorrect output sequence. This can be done at initialisation by an optional argument

call out % init('asciiJSON', fatalErrors=.false.)

Print output

!! Check if there were errors
if (.not.out % isValid()) then
  !! Print the error messages
  print *, out % getErrorLog()
end if


Matlab format of SCONE produces a .m file with executable MATLAB code that defines a number of variables. To achieve the hierarchical structure name prefixes are used. Thus, for example, an entry ‘int’ in block ‘subBlock’ and ‘array’ in root block will be printed as

subBlock_int = 7;
array = reshape([1,2,3,4,5,6],3,2);

The multidimensional arrays are printed as a 1D array and the final shape is achieved by the reshape function. The results are printed as an array of two elements. Similarly an array of results of dimension N will be printed as a N+1 dimensional array, of which the 1st column (leftmost index ) will have length 2 and store the mean and the standard deviation.

Note that the output file is not intended to be read by a human in spite of being written in ASCII characters. For example, every array is printed on a single line irrespective of its length, so a user might find it rather difficult to inspect. The better way to read the output is to read it into MATLAB by running it as a script

run 'output.m'

% Read standard deviation of a (1,4) entry in a result array
res = block1_myResArray(2,1,4)

JSON Format

JSON format is intended as an arguably better alternative to the MATLAB output, that provides not only better support for the hierarchy inherent to the output file, but also can be read without any commercial third-party tool. In particular it can be easily imported into Python and processed with NumPy. Output files that use JSON are produced with .json extension.

To read the JSON output file with Python the following code can be used

import json
import numpy as np

with open('output.json') as f:
  # Reads output file into Python dictionary
  data = json.load(f)

# Get an array from a block and print the standard deviation of (1,4) entry in a result array
# Note that the transpose is required to recover the same indexing as in MATLAB
Res = np.array(data['block1']['myResArray']).T

# Avoid off-by-1 mistakes due to 0-indexing in Python
print(Res[1, 0, 3])

The treatment of results and array of results in the output file is the same as in the MATLAB format. However, when reading data into NumPy, please note that the order of indexes will be inverted, as a result of the row-major order used in NumPy. Thus, it is necessary to take the transpose for the indexing of a numpy.array to match the index order in MATLAB or supplementary information provided by a tallyClerk.

When working with JSON output it is worth to consider using the Spyder environment. In particular its variable explorer provides with an easy way to navigate through the hierarchy of an output file.