User Manual

Generic information about how to use dictionaries in writing an input file can be found in Dictionary Input. Here, more specific information about the input options available are described.

Physics Package

In SCONE, the physics package is what determines the flow of a calculation. The possible options and related input files are shown below.


eigenPhysicsPackage, used for criticality (or eigenvalue) calculations

  • pop: number of particles used per cycle

  • active: number of active cycles

  • inactive: number of inactive cycles

  • dataType: determines type of nuclear data used; can be ce or mg

  • XSdata: keyword to the name of the nuclearDataHandle used

  • seed (optional): initial seed for the pseudo random number generator

  • outputFile (optional, default = ‘output’): name of the output file

  • outputFormat (optional, default = asciiMATLAB): type of output file. Choices are asciiMATLAB and asciiJSON

  • printSource (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; requests to print the particle source (location, direction, energy of each particle in the particleDungeon) to a text file


type eigenPhysicsPackage;
pop    100000;
active 100;
inactive 50;
dataType ce;
XSdata   ceData;
seed     -244654;
outputFile PWR_1;
outputFormat asciiJSON;

transportOperator { <Transport operator definition> }
collisionOperator { <Collision operator definition> }
inactiveTally { <Inactive tally definition> }
activeTally { <Active tally definition> }
geometry { <Geometry definition> }
nuclearData { <Nuclear data definition> }

Optional entries

uniformFissionSites { <Uniform fission sites definition> }
varianceReduction { <Weight windows definition> }
source { <Source definition> }


Although a source definition is not required, it can be included to replace the default uniform fission source guess used in the first cycle


fixedSourcePhysicsPackage, used for fixed source calculations

  • pop: number of particles used per batch

  • cycles: number of batches

  • dataType: determines type of nuclear data used. Can be ce or mg

  • XSdata: keyword to the name of the nuclearDataHandle used

  • seed (optional): initial seed for the pseudo random number generator

  • outputFile (optional, default = ‘output’): name of the output file

  • outputFormat (optional, default = asciiMATLAB): type of output file. Choices are asciiMATLAB and asciiJSON

  • printSource (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; requests to print the particle source (location, direction, energy of each particle in the particleDungeon) to a text file

  • buffer (optional, default = 50): size of the particle bank used by each OpenMP thread to store secondary particles

  • commonBufferSize (optional): if not included, the common buffer is not used; if included, after each particle history the particles in each thread-private buffer (or bank, or dungeon) are moved to a buffer common to all threads to avoid long histories

  • bufferShift (optional, default = 10): threshold of particles to be stored in a thread-private buffer, after which particles are shifted to the common buffer


type fixedSourcePhysicsPackage;
pop    100000;
cycles 200;
dataType ce;
XSdata   ceData;
seed     2829741;
outputFile shield_type11;

buffer 10000;
commonBufferSize 50000;

transportOperator { <Transport operator definition> }
collisionOperator { <Collision operator definition> }
tally { <Tally definition> }
source { <Source definition> }
geometry { <Geometry definition> }
nuclearData { <Nuclear data definition> }

Optional entries

varianceReduction { <Weight windows definition> }


rayVolPhysicsPackage, used to perform ray-tracing based volume calculation

  • pop: number of rays used per cycle

  • cycles: number of cycles

  • mfp: mean length of ray segments

  • abs_prob: ray absorption probability after each segment

  • robust: 1 for true; 0 for false; enable robust mode: in this case at each collision, each particle verifies that the material it currently thinks it is in and the one obtained by placing a particle in the geometry with the same spatial position and direction are in agreement

  • cache: 1 for true; 0 for false; enable distance caching

  • seed (optional): initial seed for the pseudo random number generator


type rayVolPhysicsPackage;
pop    1000000;
cycles 100;
mfp    0.3;
abs_prob 0.1;
robust   1;
cache    1;

geometry { <Geometry definition> }
nuclearData { <Nuclear data definition. Requires material names only> }


vizPhysicsPackage, used for visualising geometry


type vizPhysicsPackage;

geometry { <Geometry definition> }
viz { <Visualiser definition> }


For the moment, the only possible external source types in SCONE are point source and material source.


The properties of a point source are:

  • r: (x y z) vector with the origin position. [cm]

  • particle: neutron or photon, according to the type of particles emitted by the source

  • E or G: emission energy

    • E: energy of the particles emitted, for continuous energy calculations. [MeV]

    • G: energy group of the particles emitted, for multi-group calculations.

  • dir (optional, default = isotropic): (u v w) vector with the direction of the source particles

Hence, an input would look like:

source { type pointSource; r (0.0 1.0 5.2); particle neutron; E 14.1; dir (0.0 1.0 0.0); }


A material source is a particle source which can only be produced in a given material. It is a type of volumetric source. For the moment it is constrained to neutrons. The properties of a material source are:

  • mat: the name of the material from which to sample (must be defined in materials).

  • data (optional, default = continuous energy): data type for source particles. Can be ce or mg.

  • E (optional, default = 1E-6): energy of the particles emitted, for continuous energy calculations. [MeV]

  • G (optional, default = 1): energy group of the particles emitted, for multi-group calculations.

  • boundingBox (optional, default is the geometry bounding box): (x_min y_min z_min x_max y_max z_max) vector describing a bounding box to improve sampling efficiency or to localise material sampling to a particular region.

Hence, an input would look like:

source { type materialSource; mat myMat; data ce; E 2.0;
boundingBox (-5.0 -3.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 3.0); }


A source intended to initialise eigenvalue calculations. If it is not defined in the input file, it is used with the default settings. It is a type of volumetric source, which uniformly distributes fission sites in the geometry. The energy spectrum of the fission neutrons is based on a fixed incident energy provided by the user. The properties of a fission source are:

  • data (optional, default=’ce’): data type for source particles. Can be ce or mg.

  • E (optional, default=1E-6): energy of the incident neutron causing fission [MeV]. Makes sense for continuous energy source only.

  • G (optional, default=1): energy group of the incident neutron causing fission. Makes sense for multi-group source only.

  • attempts (optional, default=10000): number of attempts to sample a fission site in a cell before throwing an error.

  • bottom (optional): Lower point determining axis-aligned bounding box where to sample points. If provided top must also be provided.

  • top (optional): Upper point determining axis-aligned bounding box where to sample points. If provided bottom must also be provided.

Transport Operator

The transport operator takes care of moving the particles from one collision location to another. In the input file, one must include:

transportOperator { type <transportOperatorType>; *keywords* }

The possible types are:

  • transportOperatorST, performs surface tracking (ST) or ray tracing

  • transportOperatorDT, performs Woodcock delta tracking (DT)

  • transportOperatorHT, performs a hybrid between ST and DT

    • cutoff (optional, default = 0.9): cutoff between ST and DT. If, at the particle energy, the ratio between the local material cross section and the majorant cross section is larger than the cutoff, DT is used; otherwise ST is used.


transportOperator { type transportOperatorHT; cutoff 0.85; }

Collision Operator

The collision operator process all collision types. It samples the colliding nuclide and the reaction, and calculates all relevant by-products. In the input file, one must include:

collisionOperator { neutronCE { type <ceCollisionOperatorType>; *keywords* } }

if continuos energy nuclear data are used, or

collisionOperator { neutronMG { type <ceCollisionOperatorType>; } }

if multi-group nuclear data are used. In a hybrid simulation, both neutronCE and neutronMG can be included.

The possible types to be used with continuous energy data are:


neutronCEstd, to perform analog collision processing

  • minEnergy (optional, default = 1.0e-11): minimum energy cut-off. [MeV]

  • maxEnergy (optional, default = 20.0): maximum energy cut-off. [MeV]

  • energyThreshold (optional, default = 400): energy threshold for explicit treatment of target nuclide movement. Target movement is sampled if neutron energy E < kT ∗ energyThreshold where kT is target material temperature in [MeV]. [-]

  • massThreshold (optional, default = 1): mass threshold for explicit treatment of target nuclide movement. Target movement is sampled if target mass A < massThreshold. [Mn]

  • DBRCeMin (optional, default = 1.0e-08): minimum DBRC energy. [MeV]

  • DBRCeMax (optional, default = 2.0e-04): maximum DBRC energy. [MeV]


collisionOperator { neutronCE { type neutronCEstd; minEnergy 1.0e-12; maxEnergy 30.0;
energyThreshold 200; massThreshold 2; DBRCeMin 1.0e-06; DBRCeMax 0.001; } }


neutronCEimp, to perform implicit collision processing

  • minEnergy (optional, default = 1.0e-11): minimum energy cut-off. [MeV]

  • maxEnergy (optional, default = 20.0): maximum energy cut-off. [MeV]

  • energyThreshold (optional, default = 400): energy threshold for explicit treatment of target nuclide movement. Target movement is sampled if neutron energy E < kT ∗ energyThreshold where kT is target material temperature in [MeV]. [-]

  • massThreshold (optional, default = 1): mass threshold for explicit treatment of target nuclide movement. Target movement is sampled if target mass A < massThreshold. [Mn]

  • splitting (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables splitting for particles above a certain weight

  • roulette (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables rouletting of particles below a certain weight

  • minWgt (optional, default = 0.25): minimum particle weight for rouletting

  • maxWgt (optional, default = 1.25): maximum particle weight for splitting

  • avgWgt (optional, default = 0.5): weight of a particle on surviving rouletting

  • maxSplit (optional, default = 1000): maximum number of splits allowed per particle

  • impAbs (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables implicit capture

  • impGen (optional, default = 1): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables implicit fission sites generation

  • weightWindows (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables the use of weight windows

  • UFS (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables the use of uniform fission sites

  • DBRCeMin (optional, default = 1.0e-08): minimum DBRC energy. [MeV]

  • DBRCeMax (optional, default = 2.0e-04): maximum DBRC energy. [MeV]


collisionOperator { neutronCE { type neutronCEimp; minEnergy 1.0e-12; maxEnergy 30.0;
impAbs 1; roulette 1; splitting 1; impGen 1; maxWgt 2.0; minWgt 0.1; UFS 1; } }

The possible types to be used with multi-group data are:


neutronMGstd, to perform analog collision processing


collisionOperator { neutronMG { type neutronMGstd; } }


neutronMGimp, to perform implicit collision processing

  • maxSplit (optional, default = 1000): maximum number of splits allowed per particle

  • weightWindows (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; enables the use of weight windows


collisionOperator { neutronMG { type neutronMGimp; weightWindows 1; maxSplit 50; } }

Weight Windows

Weight windows can be used if, inside the collision operator neutronCEimp, the keyword weightWindows is set to 1. Then, in the input file, one needs to add:

varianceReduction { type weightWindowsField; file <pathToWeightWindowsFile>; }

The file that contains weight windows has to include:

  • map: map as defined for the tallies

  • wLower: array with the lower weight windows weights, where the order of the values in the array must correspond to the order of the bins in the map

  • wUpper: array with the upper weight windows weights, where the order of the values in the array must correspond to the order of the bins in the map

  • constSurvival: multiplication constant. Multiplied by the lower weights, gives the survival weight for Russian roulette


map  { type multiMap; maps (mapx mapy);
mapx { type spaceMap;  axis x;  grid unstruct;  bins (0.0 1.0 2.0); }
mapy { type spaceMap;  axis y;  grid unstruct;  bins (0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0); } }
constSurvival 2.0;
wLower (0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.5);
wUpper (2.0 1.2 1.5 1.1 2.0 4.0);

Uniform Fission Sites

Uniform Fission Sites can be used if, inside the collision operator neutronCEimp, the keyword UFS is set to 1. Then, in the input file, one needs to add:

uniformFissionSites { type uniFissSitesField; map { <Map definition> } *keywords* }

In the input above, map is the geometrical map used for UFS. The map has to contain fissile material for the method to make sense. Other keywords are:

  • uniformVolMap (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; flag that states whether the bins of the map contain equal volumes of fissile material or not

  • popVolumes (optional, default = 1.0e7): if uniformVolMap is false, a Monte Carlo calculation is run to estimate the fissile material volumes in each map bin. This entry correspond to the number of points sampled in the geometry for the volume calculation. Note that this volume calculation is done only once during initialisation


uniformFissionSites { type uniFissSitesField; uniformVolMap 0; popVolumes 1.0e8;
map { <Map definition> }


A detailed description about the geometry modelling adopted in SCONE can be found at Geometry. In an input file, one has to include:

geometry  { type <geometryType>; boundary (a b c d e f); graph { type <graphType>; }
surfaces  { <Surfaces definition> }
cells     { <Cells definition> }
universes { <Universes definition> }

At the moment, the only geometry type available is geometryStd. As for the boundary six integers have to be inputted. These correspond to the boundary conditions at boundaries (-x +x -y +y -z +z). The possibilities are:

  • vacuum, or black: input 0

  • reflective: input 1

  • periodic: input 2


Strictly speaking it is up to a particular boundary surface to interpret how the values in the boundary condition sequence are interpreted. For all cube-like surfaces the rule above holds, but for more exotic boundaries (e.g., hexagons) it is worth double checking the documentation comment of the particular surface in the source code.


Curved surfaces only allow for vacuum boundaries.

The graph definition allows two options:

  • shrunk: each local (material) cell has the same uniqueID in all universe instances

  • extended: every local (material) cell has its own uniqueID in all universe instances

Hence, an example of a geometry input could look like:

geometry  { type geometryStd; boundary (1 1 1 1 0 0); graph { type shrunk; }
surfaces  { <Surfaces definition> }
cells     { <Cells definition> }
universes { <Universes definition> }

For more details about the graph-like structure of the nested geometry see the relevant section.


To define one or multiple surfaces, the necessary entries are:

surfaces {
<name1> { id <idNumber1>; type <surfaceType>; *keywords* }
<name2> { id <idNumber2>; type <surfaceType>; *keywords* }
<nameN> { id <idNumberN>; type <surfaceType>; *keywords* }

Here, the name can be anything at the discretion of the user, as long as it doesn’t contain spaces. The idNumber can be any integer; attention must be paid that all idNumbers are unique.

Several surfaceTypes are possible:

  • box: axis aligned box

    • origin: (x y z) vector with the origin position. [cm]

    • halfwidth: (x y z) vector with the halfwidth of each side. [cm]


surf1 { id 92; type box; origin (0.0 0.0 9.0); halfwidth (1.0 2.0 0.3); }
  • squareCylinder: infinitely long square cylinder aligned with x, y or z axis. The

input type has to be xSquareCylinder, ySquareCylinder or zSquareCylinder

  • origin: (x y z) vector with the origin position; the entry corresponding to the cylinder axis is ignored. [cm]

  • halfwidth: (x y z) vector with the halfwidth of each side; the entry corresponding to the cylinder axis is ignored. [cm]


surf2 { id 25; type ySquareCylinder; origin (3.0 0.0 9.0); halfwidth (4.4 0.0 0.1); }
  • truncCylinder: finite length cylinder aligned with x, y or z axis. The input type has to be xTruncCylinder, yTruncCylinder or zTruncCylinder

    • origin: (x y z) vector with the origin position. [cm]

    • halfwidth: axial halfwidth. [cm]

    • radius: cylinder radius. [cm]


surf3 { id 3; type zTruncCylinder; origin (3.0 2.1 5.0); halfwidth 20.0;
radius 1.6; }
  • aPlane: plane with normal along x, y or z. The input type has to be xPlane, yPlane or zPlane

    • a0: position of the plane on the axis. The input type has to be x0, y0 or z0. [cm]


surf4 { id 8; type xPlane; x0 4.0; }
  • plane: generic plane (F(r) = c1 * x + c2 * y + c3 * z - c4)

    • coeffs: (c1 c2 c3 c4) vector with coefficients


surf5 { id 55; type plane; coeffs (8.6 3.0 66.0 1.5); }
  • cylinder: infinitely long cylinder aligned with x, y or z axis. The input type has to be xCylinder, yCylinder or zCylinder

    • origin: (x y z) vector with the origin position; the entry corresponding to the cylinder axis is ignored. [cm]

    • radius: cylinder radius. [cm]


billy { id 92; type xCylinder; origin (0.0 0.0 9.0); radius 4.8; }
  • sphere

    • origin: (x y z) vector with the origin position. [cm]

    • radius: sphere radius. [cm]


surf6 { id 234; type sphere; origin (5.0 86.0 19.4); radius 18.3; }


Similarly to the surfaces, the cells in the geometry can be defined as:

cells {
<name1> { id <idNumber1>; type <cellType>; surfaces (<surfaces>); filltype <fillType>; *keywords* }
<name2> { id <idNumber2>; type <cellType>; surfaces (<surfaces>); filltype <fillType>; *keywords* }
<nameN> { id <idNumberN>; type <cellType>; surfaces (<surfaces>); filltype <fillType>; *keywords* }

At the moment, in SCONE, the only cellType available is simpleCell. In the surface definition, one should include the indexes of the corresponding surfaces with no sign to indicate a positive half-space, or minus sign to indicate a negative half-space. The space in between cells corresponds to an intersection.

The possible fillTypes are:

  • mat: if the cells is filled with a homogeneous material

    • material: takes as an input the material name


cell1 { id 1; type simpleCell; surfaces (1 -6 90); filltype mat; material fuel; }
  • uni: if the cell is filled with a universe

    • universe: takes as an input the universe id


cellX { id 5; type simpleCell; surfaces (2 -3); filltype uni; universe 6; }
  • outside: if the cell is outside of the geometry


cellixx { id 55; type simpleCell; surfaces (-10); filltype outside; }


Similarly to the surfaces and cells, the universes in the geometry can be defined as:

universes {
<name1> { id <idNumber1>; type <universeType>; *keywords* }
<name2> { id <idNumber2>; type <universeType>; *keywords* }
<nameN> { id <idNumberN>; type <universeType>; *keywords* }

Several universeTypes are possible:

  • cellUniverse, composed of the union of different cells. Note that overlaps are forbidden, but there is no check to find overlaps

    • cells: array containing the cellIds as used in the cell definition

    • origin (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 0.0)): (x y z) array with the origin of the universe. [cm]

    • rotation (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 0.0)): (x y z) array with the rotation angles in degrees applied to the universe. [°]


When creating a cellUniverse a user needs to take care to avoid leaving any ‘unspecified’ regions (sets in space which do not belong to any cell). If these are reachable by a particle (e.g., are not covered by any higher level universe) they will cause a calculation to crash.


uni3 { id 3; type cellUniverse; cells (1 2 55); origin (1.0 0.0 0.0); rotation (0.0 90.0 180.0); }
  • pinUniverse, composed of infinite co-centred cylinders

    • radii: array containing the radii of the co-centred cylinders. There must be an entry equal to 0.0, which corresponds to the outermost layer, which is infinite. [cm]

    • fills: array containing the names or ids of what is inside each cylindrical shell. The order of the fills must correspond to the order of the corresponding radii. An entry can be a material name, the keyword void, or a u<id>, where id is the id of a defined universe

    • origin (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 0.0)): (x y z) array with the origin of the universe. [cm]

    • rotation (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 0.0)): (x y z) array with the rotation angles in degrees applied to the universe. [°]


uni3 { id 3; type pinUniverse; radii (0.2 1.0 1.1 1.3 0.0); fills (u<1> fuel void clad coolant); }
  • latUniverse, cartesian lattice of constant pitch

    • shape: (x y z) array of integers, stating the numbers of x, y and z elements of the lattice. For a 2D lattice, one of the entries has to be 0

    • pitch: (x y z) array with the x, y and z lattice pitches. In a 2D lattice, the value entered in the third dimension is not used. [cm]

    • padmat: material name or universe index (u<id>) that fills the possible extra space between the lattice and its bounding surface. Also the keyword void is allowed

    • map: map that includes the universe ids of the elements of the lattice. The order is: increasing x, increasing y and then increasing z

    • origin (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 0.0)): (x y z) array with the origin of the universe. [cm]

    • rotation (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 0.0)): (x y z) array with the rotation angles in degrees applied to the universe. [°]


uni_lattice { id 10; type latUniverse; shape (3 2 2); pitch (1.0 1.0 1.5); padMat u<3>; map (
1 2 3 // x: 1-3, y: 2, z: 2
4 5 6 // x: 1-3, y: 1, z: 2
7 8 9 // x: 1-3, y: 2, z: 1
10 11 12 ) } // x: 1-3, y: 1, z: 1


The order of the elements in the lattice is different from other MC codes, e.g., Serpent. The lattice is written in the style WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get.

  • rootUniverse: top level universe of geometry

    • border: id of the boundary surface for the whole geometry

    • fill: inside filling, as a material name or a universe (u<id>)


root { id 1000; type rootUniverse; border 10; fill u<1>; }


To plot a geometry, the keyword viz must be present in the input file:

viz {
<name1> { type <vizType>; *keywords* }
<name2> { type <vizType>; *keywords* }

The possible types of files that the geometry is plotted in are:


  • corner: (x y z) array with the corner of the geometry [cm]

  • width: (x y z) array with the width of the mesh in each direction [cm]

  • vox: (x y z) array with the number of voxels requested in each direction

  • what (optional, default = material): defines what is highlighted in the plot; options are material and uniqueID, where uniqueID highlights unique cell IDs


plotVTK { type vtk; corner (10.0 6.0 2.0); width (20.0 12.0 4.0); vox (4000 120 400); what uniqueID; }


  • centre: (x y z) array with the coordinates of the center of the plot [cm]

  • axis: x, y or z, it’s the axis normal to the 2D plot

  • width (optional, default = whole geometry): (y z), (x z) or (x y) array with the width of the geometry plotted in each direction [cm]

  • res: (y z), (x z) or (x y) array with the resolution of the mesh in each direction

  • output: name of the output file, with extension .bmp

  • what (optional, default = material): defines what is highlighted in the plot; options are material and uniqueID, where uniqueID highlights unique cell IDs

  • offset (optional, default = random) An integer (positive or negative) that shifts the sequence of colours assigned to materials. Allows to change colours from the default sequence in a parametric way.


plotBMP { type bmp; axis z; centre (0.0 0.0 0.0); width (50 10); res (1000 200); output geomZ; what material; }


SCONE can be run to visualise geometry without actually doing transport, by including --plot when running the application. In this case the visualiser has to be included in the file.

Nuclear Data

SCONE can be used with both continuous energy data and multi-group data. The type of data used must be specified in the physicsPackage options, as well as in the collisionOperator options. As for nuclear data, the input files has to look like:

nuclearData {
handles { <Nuclear data handles definition> }
materials { <Materials definition> }

The handles definition is structured as the following:

handles {
<handleName1> { type <databaseType>; *keywords* }
<handleName2> { type <databaseType>; *keywords* }

The name of a handle has to be the same as defined in a physicsPackage under the keyword XSdata.

Otherwise, the possible nuclear database types allowed are:


aceNeutronDatabase, used for continuous energy data. In this case, the data is read from ACE files.

  • aceLibrary: includes the path to the .aceXS file, which includes the paths to the ACE files

  • ures (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; activates the unresolved resonance probability tables treatment

  • DBRC (optional, default = no DBRC): list of ZAIDs of nuclides for which DBRC has to be applied.

  • majorant (optional, default = 1): 1 for true; 0 for false; flag to activate the pre-construction of a unionised majorant cross section


ceData { type aceNuclearDatabase; aceLibrary ./myFolder/ACElib/JEF311.aceXS;
ures 1; DBRC (92238 94242)}


If DBRC is applied, the 0K cross section ace files of the relevant nuclides must be included in the aceLibrary file.


baseMgNeutronDatabase, used for multi-group data. In this case, the data is read from files provided by the user.

  • PN: includes a flag for anisotropy treatment. Could be P0 or P1


mgData { type baseMgNeutronDatabase; PN P1; }

Materials definition

The materials definition is structured as:

materials {
<materialName1> { temp <temp1>;
composition { <Composition definition> }
*keywords* }
<materialName2> { temp <temp2>;
composition { <Composition definition> }
*keywords* }

In this case, materialName can be any name chosen by the user; temp is the material temperature in [K].


At the moment temp is not used in any way since SCONE has no way to treat the temperature dependence of cross-sections. It is included for future use. To change the temperature, a user needs to set appropriate suffix to each individual nuclide in the composition definition.

The composition dictionary must always be included, but it can be empty in multi-group simulations. In continuous energy simulations, it should include a list of the ZAIDs of all the nuclides that compose that material, and the respective atomic densities in [atoms/cm/barn]. The ZAIDs are normally in the form ZZAAA.TT, or ZAAA.TT for nuclides with Z<10. The code TT indicates the temperature used in the nuclear data evaluation, and the options are 03, 06, 09, 12 and 15, corresponding to temperatures of 300K, 600K, 900K, 1200K and 1500K.

Other options are:

  • moder: dictionary that includes information on thermal scattering data. It has to include a list of ZAIDs for which S(a,b) has to be used, and the name of the file that contains the data. The file has to be included in the list of files in the .aceXS input file. Note that this input is ignored if the nuclide or nuclides listed are not included in the material. Only needed for continuous energy simulations.

  • xsFile: needed for multi-group simulations. Must contain the path to the file where the multi-group cross sections are stored.

  • rgb (optional): An array of three integers specifying the RGB colour e.g. (255 0 0). The colour defined in this way will be used for visualisation of the material in the geometry plots.

Example 1:

materials {
fuel { temp 273;
composition {
92238.03   0.021;
92235.03   0.004;
8016.03    0.018535464; }
water { temp 273;
rgb (0 0 200);
composition {
1001.03   0.0222222;
8016.03   0.00535; }
moder { 1001.03 h-h2o.42; }

Example 2:

materials {
fuel { temp 573;
composition { }
xsFile ./xss/fuel.txt

Multi-group cross sections

In the case of a multi-group calculation, multi-group cross sections must be provided by the user. These are in separate files compared to the input file. The structure of such cross section files is the following: they must include

  • numberOfGroups: number of energy groups used (=N)

  • capture: vector of size N with the material-wise macroscopic capture cross section. The order of the elements corresponds to groups from fast (group 1) to thermal (group N)

  • fission (optional): vector of size N with the material-wise macroscopic fission cross section. The order of the elements corresponds to groups from fast (group 1) to thermal (group N). Must be included only if the materials is fissile

  • nu (optional): vector of size N with the material-wise macroscopic neutron production nu-bar. The order of the elements corresponds to groups from fast (group 1) to thermal (group N). Must be included only if the materials is fissile

  • chi (optional): vector of size N with the material-wise fission spectrum. The order of the elements corresponds to groups from fast (group 1) to thermal (group N). Must be included only if the materials is fissile

  • P0: P0 scattering matrix, of size NxN. In the case of a 3x3 matrix, the elements are ordered as:

    1 -> 1   1 -> 2   1 -> 3
    2 -> 1   2 -> 2   2 -> 3
    3 -> 1   3 -> 2   3 -> 3
  • scatteringMultiplicity: P0 scattering multiplicity matrix, of size NxN. Contains multiplicative elements that will be multiplied to the P0 matrix elements for scattering production cross section, hence all elements must be >= 1.0

  • P1 (optional): necessary only if P1 is defined in the baseMgNeutronDatabase entry PN. It contains the P1 scattering matrix, of size NxN

An example file is:

numberOfGroups 2;
capture (0.0010046 0.025788);
fission (0.0010484 0.050632);
nu      (2.5 2.5);
chi     (1.0 0.0);
scatteringMultiplicity (
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0  );
P0 (
0.62568 0.029227
0.0     2.443830
P1 (
0.27459 0.0075737
0.0     0.83318


As mentioned previously, one might have to include the keywords inactiveTally and activeTally in the input file (in the case of eigenPhysicsPackage), or just tally (in the case of fixedSourcePhysicsPackage). Either way, the tally definition is the same for all cases:

tally {
<resName1> { type <clerkType1>; response (<responseName>); <responseName> { type <responseType>; *keywords* } *keywords* }
<resName2> { type <clerkType2>; *keywords* }
<resNameN> { type <clerkTypeN>; }

In this case, resName can be any name chosen by the user, and it is what will be reported in the output file.

Tally Clerks

The tally clerks determine which kind of estimator will be used. The options are:

  • collisionClerk, for a collision estimator of flux and reaction rates

    • response: defines which response function has to be used for this tally. Note that more than one response can be defined per each tally

    • map (optional): contains a dictionary with the tallyMap definition, that defines the domains of integration of each tally

    • filter (optional): can filter out particles with certain properties, preventing them from scoring results

    • handleVirtual (optional, default = 0): if set to 1, delta tracking virtual collisions are tallied with a collisionClerk as well as physical collisions

  • trackClerk

    • response: defines which response function has to be used for this tally. Note that more than one response can be defined per each tally

    • map (optional): contains a dictionary with the tallyMap definition, that defines the domains of integration of each tally

    • filter (optional): can filter out particles with certain properties, preventing them from scoring results


tally {
collision_estimator { type collisionClerk; response (<responseName>); <responseName> { type <responseType>; *keywords* }
map { <Map definition> }
filter { <Filter definition> }
track_estimator { type trackClerk; response (<responseName1> <responseName2>);
<responseName1> { type <responseType>; *keywords* }
<responseName2> { type <responseType>; *keywords* }
  • keffAnalogClerk, analog k_eff estimator

  • keffImplicitClerk, implicit k_eff estimator - handleVirtual (optional, default = 0): if set to 1, delta tracking virtual collisions

    are tallied with a collisionClerk as well as physical collisions


tally {
k_eff1 { type keffAnalogClerk; }
k_eff2 { type keffImplicitClerk; handleVirtual 1; }
  • centreOfMassClerk, geometrical 3D center of mass estimator

    • cycles: number of cycles for which to track center of mass


tally {
com { type comClerk; cycles 200; }
  • collisionProbabilityClerk, tallies a collision probability matrix

    • map: contains a dictionary with the tallyMap definition, that defines the bins of the matrix


tally {
collisionProb { type collisionProbabilityClerk; map { <Map definition> } }
  • dancoffBellClerk, calculates a single-term rational approximation for a lattice

    • fuelMat: list of fuel material names

    • modMat: list of moderator material names

    • Elow (optional, default = 0.0): bottom energy boundary; [MeV]

    • Etop (optional, default = 20.0): top energy boundary; [MeV]


tally {
dancoff_bell_factors { type dancoffBellClerk; fuelMat (fuel1 fuel2 fuel_Gd); modMat (water); Elow 0.06; Etop 10.0; }
  • mgXsClerk, calculates multi-group cross sections via a collision estimator of reaction rates and analog tallies of fission spectrum and scattering events ingoing and outgoing energies and multiplicity

    • energyMap (optional, default = 1 group): definition of the energy group structure to be used

    • spaceMap (optional, default = whole geometry): definition of a spatial tally map

    • PN (optional, default = 0): 1 for true; 0 for false; flag that indicates whether to calculate scattering matrices only up to P1 (PN 0) or P7 (PN 1)

    • handleVirtual (optional, default = 0): if set to 1, delta tracking virtual collisions are tallied with a collisionClerk as well as physical collisions


tally {
MGxss { type mgXsClerk;
energyMap { <Map definition> }
spaceMap { <Map definition> }
PN 1; }
  • shannonEntropyClerk, implicit Shannon entropy estimator

    • map: contains a dictionary with the tallyMap definition, that defines the (spatial) discretisation used to score the entropy

    • cycles: number of cycles to tally the entropy for


tally {
shannon_entropy { type shannonEntropyClerk;
map { <Map definition> }
cycles 200; }
  • simpleFMClerk, 1D fission matrix collision estimator

    • map: contains a dictionary with the tallyMap definition, that defines the bins of the matrix

    • handleVirtual (optional, default = 0): if set to 1, delta tracking virtual collisions are tallied with a collisionClerk as well as physical collisions


tally {
fissionMat { type simpleFMClerk; map { <Map definition> } }

Tally Responses

Certain tally clerks, like the collisionClerk and trackClerk, require a response function. The different types of responses could be:

  • fluxResponse: used to calculate the flux, i.e., the response function is 1.0


tally {
collision_estimator { type collisionClerk; response (flux); flux { type fluxResponse; } }
  • macroResponse: used to score macroscopic reaction rates

    • MT: MT number of the desired reaction. The options are: -1 total, -2 capture, -6 fission, -7 nu*fission, -21 absorption


tally {
collision_estimator { type collisionClerk; response (total fission);
total { type macroResponse; MT -1; }
fission { type macroResponse; MT -6; } }
  • microResponse: used to score microscopic reaction rates

    • MT: MT number of the desired reaction. The options are: 1 total, 2 elastic scattering, 18 fission, 27 absorption, 102 capture

    • material: material name where to score the reaction. The material must be defined to include only one nuclide; its density could be anything, it doesn’t affect the result


tally {
collision_estimator { type collisionClerk; response (elScatter capture);
elScatter { type microResponse; MT 2; material water; }
capture { type microResponse; MT 102; material fuel; }
  • weightResponse: response for scoring particle weights

    • moment (optional, default = 1): moment of the weight scored


tally {
collision_estimator { type collisionClerk; response (weight0 weight1 weight2);
weight0 { type weightResponse; moment 0; }
weight1 { type weightResponse; moment 1; }
weight2 { type weightResponse; moment 2; }


To calculate the average weight, one should divide weight moment 1 (weight1) by weight moment 0 (weight0). To calculate the variance of the weights, the tally results have to be post-processed as: var = weight2/weight0 - (weight1/weight0)^2

Tally Maps

The different types of tally maps are:

  • cellMap (1D map), cell-wise map

    • cells: list of ids of the cells to be used an map bins

    • undefBin (optional, default = false): ‘yes’,’y’,’true’,’TRUE’,’T’ for true; ‘no’, ‘n’, ‘false’, ‘FALSE’, ‘F’ for false; flag that indicates whether all the cells not listed in cells should constitute a map bin or not


map { type cellMap; cells (1 5 3 2 4 100); undefBin T; }
  • energyMap (1D map), defines an energy group structure

    • grid: log for logarithmically spaced bins or lin for linearly spaced bins

      • min: bottom energy [MeV]

      • max: top energy [MeV]

      • N: number of bins

    • grid: unstruct for unstructured grids, to be manually defined

      • bins: array with the explicit definition of the energy bin boundaries to be used

    • grid: predef

      • name: name of the predefined group structure. Options are: wims69, wims172, casmo40, casmo23, casmo12, casmo7, ecco33, vitaminj


map1 { type energyMap; grid log; min 1.0e-11; max 20.0; N 300; }
map2 { type energyMap; grid lin; min 1.0; max 20.0; N 100; }
map3 { type energyMap; grid unstruct; bins (1.0E-9 1.0E-8 0.6E-6 0.3 20.0); }
map4 { type energyMap; grid predef; name casmo12; }
  • homogMatMap (1D map), divides based on the material a particle is in with the possibility of grouping some materials together

    • bins: list of names of the material bins, that can contain one or more materials; this is followed by all the bin names as key, and the material names included in the bin as an entry

    • undefBin (optional, default = false): ‘yes’,’y’,’true’,’TRUE’,’T’ for true; ‘no’, ‘n’, ‘false’, ‘FALSE’, ‘F’ for false; flag that indicates whether all the materials not included in any bin should constitute a map bin or not


map { type homogMatMap; bins (bin1 bin2 bin3);
bin1 (mat1 mat2 mat3);
bin2 (fuel1 fuel3 uo2);
bin3 (water);
undefBin T;
  • materialMap (1D map), material-wise map

    • materials: list of material names to be used as map bins

    • undefBin (optional, default = false): ‘yes’,’y’,’true’,’TRUE’,’T’ for true; ‘no’, ‘n’, ‘false’, ‘FALSE’, ‘F’ for false; flag that indicates whether all the materials not included should constitute a map bin or not


map { type materialMap; materials (fuel water cladding reflector fuelGd); undefBin T; }
  • multiMap, ensemble of multiple 1D maps

    • maps: list of the names of the maps that will compose the multiMap. This is followed by dictionaries that define the requested maps


map { type multiMap; maps (map1 map2 map10);
map1 { <1D map definition> }
map2 { <1D map definition> }
map10 { <1D map definition> }
  • spaceMap (1D map), geometric cartesian map

    • axis: x, y or z

    • grid: lin for linearly spaced bins

      • min: bottom coordinate [cm]

      • max: top coordinate [cm]

      • N: number of bins

    • grid: unstruct for unstructured grids, to be manually defined

      • bins: array with the explicit definition of the bin boundaries to be used


map1 { type spaceMap; axis x; grid lin; min -50.0; max 50.0; N 100; }
map2 { type spaceMap; axis z; grid unstruct; bins (0.0 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0); }
  • sphericalMap, geometric spherical map

    • origin (optional, default = (0.0 0.0 .0.)): (x y z) vector with the origin of the spherical map

    • grid: lin for linearly spaced bins or equivolume for spherical shells

      • Rmin (optional, default = 0.0): minimum radius [cm]

      • Rmax: maximum radius [cm]

      • N: number of radial bins

    • grid: unstruct for unstructured grids, to be manually defined

      • bins: array with the explicit definition of the spherical bin boundaries to be used


map1 { type sphericalMap; origin (2.0 1.0 0.0); grid lin; Rmin 3.0; Rmax 10.0; N 14; }
map2 { type sphericalMap; grid equivolume; Rmax 20.0; N 10; }
map3 { type sphericalMap; grid unstruct; bins (1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 5.0); }
  • cylindricalMap, geometric cylindrical map; other than the radial discretisation, one could add axial and azimuthal discretisation

    • orientation (optional, default = z): x, y or z, axial direction

    • origin (optional, default = (0.0 0.0)): (y z), (x z) or (x y) vector with the origin of the cylindrical map

    • rGrid: lin for linearly spaced bins or equivolume for cylindrical shells

      • Rmin (optional, default = 0.0): minimum radius [cm]

      • Rmax: maximum radius [cm]

      • rN: number of radial bins

    • rGrid: unstruct for unstructured grids, to be manually defined

      • bins: array with the explicit definition of the cylindrical radial bin boundaries to be used

    • axGrid (optional, default = 1 bin): lin for linearly spaced axial bins

      • axMin: minimum axial coordinate [cm]

      • axMax: maximum axial coordinate [cm]

      • axN: number of axial bins

    • azimuthalN (optional, default = 1 bin): number of angular azimuthal bins


map1 { type cylindricalMap; orientation y; origin (7.0 0.0); rGrid lin; Rmax 5.0; rN 10; }
map2 { type cylindricalMap; rGrid unstruct; bins (2.0 3.0 4.5 5.0); axGrid lin; axMin 0.0; axMax 6.0 axN 24; azimuthalN 8; }
  • collNumMap (1D map), filters the particles tallied over number of collisions they underwent

    • collNumbers: list of collision numbers (integers) to be used as map bins


map1 { type collNumMap; collNumbers ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 20); }
  • weightMap (1D map), divides weight into number of discrete bins

    • grid: log for logarithmically spaced bins or lin for linearly spaced bins

      • min: bottom weight

      • max: top weight

      • N: number of bins

    • grid: unstruct for unstructured grids, to be manually defined

      • bins: array with the explicit definition of the weight bin boundaries to be used


map1 { type weightMap; grid log; min 1.0e-3; max 100.0; N 100; }
map2 { type weightMap; grid lin; min 0.1; max 2.0; N 20; }
map3 { type weightMap; bins (0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0); }

Tally Filters

Another option that can be included in the tallies is tally filters. These allow to filter out certain types of particles when scoring results. For now, the only type of filter existing is:

  • energyFilter, to stop particles within a certain energy range from contributing to a certain tally

    • Emin (for continuous energy particles): minimum energy [MeV]

    • Emax (for continuous energy particles): maximum energy [MeV]

    • Gtop (for multi-group particles): top energy group

    • Glow (for multi-group particles): bottom energy group


CEfilter { type energyFilter; Emin 10.0; Emax 20.0; }
MGfilter { type energyFilter; Gtop 1; Glow 5; }

Other options

Other keywords, such as for results normalisation, that could be included are:

  • norm: its entry is the name of the tally, resName, to be used as a normalisation criterion. If the tally has multiple bins, (e.g. has a map), the bin with index 1 will be used for normalisation

  • normVal: value to normalise the tally resName to

  • display: its entry is the name of the tally, resName, which will be displayed each cycle. Only the tally clerks keffAnalogClerk and keffImplicitClerk support display at the moment

  • batchSize (optional, default = 1): the number of cycles that constitute a single batch for the purpose of statistical estimation. For example, a value of 5 means that a single estimate is obtained from a score accumulated over 5 cycles


tally  {
display (k-eff);
norm fissRate;
normVal 100.0;
k-eff { type keffAnalogClerk;}
fissRate { type collisionClerk; response (fission); fission {type macroResponse; MT -6;} }