Cream User Guide


To install cream it, is best to use pip. In folder cream, file is provided that defines how to install cream using Python setuptools. Because, SCONE is intended as a prototyping environment it is best to set-up cream package in so-called editable mode. This will allow pip to keep track to any changes you make and keep the package up-to-date with the code in the repository. To install go to the scone/cream directory and type:

pip install -e .[test]

This will download all required dependencies. [test] is included to download pytest package, which is required to run unit tests.

Now you can verify that set-up was successful. First you can see if cream executable is in your environment path by typing:

cream --help

You can also list all your packages handled by pip and find cream with:

pip list | grep 'cream'

To keep your environment tidy, remember that you can remove cream by using:

pip uninstall cream

This will just remove cream package from Python environment. Files in the repository will not be removed.


Must be pre-installed:
  • Python >=3.6

  • pip

Will be installed by pip:
  • click Python package for command line interfaces

  • pytest if [test] is specified

Basic Information

Cream command line interface is organised into a number of blocks. Then each block contains number of subcommands that can perform different operations. Help info that will be displayed is dependent on a current block. For example if you type:

cream --help

It will display all available blocks under commands e.g.:

Usage: cream [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command line utility for SCONE Monte Carlo Code.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    data  Manage nuclear data.

However if you enter a specific block information will change. For cream data --help:

Usage: cream data [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage nuclear data.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  relaxation  Generate atomic relaxation data library from ENDF.

Now Commands: lists available operations.

Data Block

Data block contains subcommands intended to help with the management of nuclear data.


Relaxation command allows to convert ENDF-formatted atomic relaxation data into format that can be used by Serpent or SCONE. User must provide names of two files that will contain transition (relaxation) data and electronic ground state configurations respectively.

For example, if ENDF data is in relax folder with .endf extension, the following command will perform conversion:

cream data relaxation -o1 trans -o2 ground --format SCONE ./relax/*.endf